Purchasing An Individual Soul Success Medal

From one human being to another, Well Done on your major soul success! I’m delighted you’ve chosen to award yourself in this way.

Thank you for your interest in purchasing an individual volume of a Soul Success Medal for humanity based on one of the 22 established themes. You also have the opton to order a volume created custom for you.

This is an excellent option If you don’t have room for a whole collection, but would like to have the art experience in your home or place of business.

With purchasing a new custom volume of an individual Soul Success Medal You’ll get one piece of custom art and all the QR codes for the rest of the work to display with it. -$2,500

The above price includes initial creative consultation, individual artwork and QR codes for the other 21 pieces. If you’d also like a custom encouragement message written and recorded just for you, it’s an extra $500.

Simply fill out the form below and you will receive an electronic invoice to make the nonrefundable $500 deposit and begin the consultation process.

once your payment is made, we will schedule the two 30 minute virtual consultation calls it covers: the inital one to discuss what you’d like created, why and when and the second to discuss the initial concept for review.

thank you for your interest and i look forward to creating with and for you.