Virtual Tip Jar

Please know that this virtual tip jar is not for anyone receiving services through HIV Alliance. My work is a total gift through and through for that community of people.

this virtual tip jar is for those who come across and have been nourished by The Soul Success Medals for Humanity witihn the general public who feel inspired to give from their overflow.

Again, this is a grassroots, one artist, one middle-class family operation doing what we can, where we can.

If I had a nice singing voice, I’d put out my cap and sing on the street corner. But, that’s not the kind of voice I have, so consider this my cap.

I also wouldn’t charge everyone who heard and enjoyed my voice. I’d just feel good that they enjoyed what they heard and gained something good from it.

I’d trust that those who had a bit extra would give from their own sense of inspired generosity.

If you are one of those who are moved to give from your overflow, I wholeheartedly appreciate you. your contribution helps us bring more of my work to its fullest potential.

Love, Peace & Creativity,

Arianne (Air) Taylor